Welcome to the first KXSC newsletter of this strange Fall 2020 semester! Coming back to school fully online has been a difficult adjustment for all of us, not least of all the members of the student radio community, but we are wading forth into the choppy waters of remote instruction and activity resourcefully and diligently.
Read MoreWelcome to the final new adds of the summer! This week, we've got reviews of new releases from AG Cook, The Mountain Goats, Flo Milli, TV Dinner, and The Chats! Enjoy, and stay safe <3
Read MoreHey there subscribers! Hope you're taking care of yourselves, and hope these reviews are bringing some joy and artistic stimulation to you these days!
Read MoreGreetings loyal readers! Newsletter the second of this grim summer has arrived. Take care of yourselves, and enjoy these funny and evocative reviews!
Read MoreBet you thought you'd seen the last of us until the Fall! Well, we're back with four stacked newsletters for the remainder of the Summer! In this one, you'll find reviews of new releases from Arca, Porridge Radio, Ohmme, Clarence the Kid and Juan Solorzano. Enjoy, listen, and keep wearing those masks, kiddos.
Read MoreWe've arrived at the final set of new adds of the semester. It's been a scary and wild ride, and I hope that this newsletter and the music it covers have brought you some measure of comfort or at least distraction these past months.
Read MoreHey there readers! Apologies for the delay in sending this bad boy out, but here it is now. We've got a classically eclectic selection for you today, so read, listen, and enjoy!
Read MoreBet you didn't think you'd be getting more new adds so fast! Well, we're catching up. Making up for lost time, if you will. I can't pretend I have any updates to share with you all, so this little intro is going to be short. Enjoy these three reviews by our dedicated staff and DJs, and maybe you'll be moved to listen to some new tunes!
Read MorePandemic newsletter the second has arrived! Please remember to get some sunlight, eat regularly, and be attentive to the needs of yourself and those around you. Here's hoping the five new adds this week bring you some listening joy!
Read MoreThese have been a strange and scary few weeks, and I hope this set of new adds finds you as well as you can be expected to be. Discovering new music can be a lovely way to stay sane when feeling isolated, bored, or freaked out. Accordingly, we have five new adds for you this week! Special props to the staff and DJs who wrote reviews this week, and those who continue to do so over the coming weeks. Enjoy these reviews, and take care of yourselves and each other!
Read MoreHappy March! It's been feeling like Spring--or really, Summer--here in LA for quite a while, but here's hoping the rest of you will get some balmy weather coming your way soon. Here are six new adds, three with full reviews by KXSC staff and DJs, plus a bonus three with quick blurbs. We'll be keeping up these extra reviews in our newsletters to come! Enjoy!
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