Ask a DJ: "What are your top picks from this fall?"
On Ask a DJ, you ask a DJ... and a DJ answers. This time, Madame Psychosis of 60+/- breaks down her top picks from the past semester, spanning jazz, rock, and everywhere in between & beyond.
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Hear more from Madame Psychosis each week -- Tune in Sun. 9-10pm!
1. Dinosaur Jr. – I Bet On Sky
One of my favorite bands of all time. They came back after an almost
20 year hiatus to release a few new albums, and this one is so far the
best yet. They have definitely grown since they were kids, and I Bet
on Sky shows it.
2. Black Moth Super Rainbow – Cobra Juicy
Black Moth Super Rainbow achieves a sound that I have not had any
luck finding anywhere else. Their newest effort shows them at the
peak of their game, with catchy melodies over always-inventive and
innovative electronic instruments.
3. Grizzly Bear – Shields
More toned down and acoustic-y than some of their other stuff, but
I’m into that.
4. Kurt Rosenwinkel – Star of Jupiter
Very accomplished jazz guitarist, who keeps this somewhat mellow
double album sonically interesting even when listened to repeatedly.
5. Flying Lotus – Until the Quiet Comes
I think I might like this newest effort from Flying Lotus more than his
breakout success Cosmogramma, which might get me shunned from
some circles.
6. Bob Mazurek Pulsar Quartet – Stellar Pulsations
Another great jazz composer and arranger, this record is pretty far
out even for a concept album about the solar system.
7. Divine Fits – A Thing Called Divine Fits
A veritable indie super group, with the Spoon singer Britt Daniel and
Dan Boeckner Wolf Parade fame. Solid rock and roll for fans of either
of the aforementioned groups.
8. Everyone Everywhere – Everyone Everywhere II
Indie-post-emo-core all the way from the east coast. Highly
recommended for anyone who was into Cap’n Jazz or Brand New back
in their heyday.
9. Fred Lonberg-Holm’s Fast Citizens – Gather
Jazz this time on the freer side. If you like discordant, extended jams
this is right up your alley. I know I do.
10. Ensemble Off n On – Ensemble Off n On
More experimental jazzers, Ensemble Off n On is based San Diego.
Cool “covers” of Sun Ra and Jimi Hendrix.